2024 - Designing and Constructing Models with Multi-Agent Languages

Graduate / Advanced undergraduate course, Northwestern University, Computer Science, 2024

In the spring quarter of 2024, I served as a teaching assistant of COMP_SCI 372/472 again, an undergraduate/graduate class for agent-based modeling. I participated in the course and syllabus design; provided customized feedback for students each week; worked with 14 advanced undergraduate and graduate students on individual final projects; and taught dozens of sections throughout the quarter.

Below is a short description of it (see more in our course website):

This course will cover various topics related to the discipline of computer simulation through multi-agent modeling (also called agent-based modeling). Multi-agent modeling specifically focuses on the study of systems where a large number of independent entities (agents) simultaneously interact with each other, resulting in emergent patterns of behavior for the system as a whole.

During the class, students created astonishing projects ranging from sports to political science. At least 3 students of mine - 2 undergraduate and 1 graduate - have plan to publish papers based on the project.